07:00 pm
07:00 pm

Info and reservations

Discovering Pisa

Single seat: €10

5:30 p.m guided tour
The concert starts at 7 p.m.




Martha Rook on voice and Tommaso Tarsi on lute, theorbo and baroque guitar lead us on a discovery of one of the most popular secular forms in use between the 15th and 16th centuries: the Frottola.

A la fama si va per varie scale, Bartolomeo Tromboncino (1470 – 1535)

“Tenori e contrabassi intabulati”, Petrucci, 1509

Ricercare, Marco dall’Aquila (c. 1480 – after 1538)

Che debbo io far, Bartolomeo Tromboncino

“Frottole libro 7”, Petrucci, 1507 – “Canzoni nove”, Antico, 1510

Come ch’el bianco cigno, Marchetto Cara (c. 1465 – 1530)

“Tenori e contrabassi intabulati”, Petrucci, 1509

Ricercare secondo, Francesco Spinacino (XV – c. 1507)

El grillo, Josquin des Prez (c. 1450 – 1521)

“Frottole libro 3”, Petrucci, 1505

Fantasia, Simone Molinaro (c. 1570 – 1636)

Ognun fuga amore, Antonio Caprioli (c. 1425 – c. 1475)

“Frottole libro 4”, Petrucci 1505 – “Canzoni nove”, Antico, 1510

Si Fays Viey, Francesco Spinacino

A la guerra a la guerra, Bartolomeo Tromboncino

“Frottole libro 1”, Petrucci, 1504

Martha Rook

Tommaso Tarsi

There are three musicians depicted on the title page of the collection “Frottole intabulate da sonare organi,” published by Andrea Antico in Rome in 1517: a harpsichord player, a singer, and a lutenist. An extremely common iconography, were it not for one macroscopic detail: the lutenist is a monkey.

The primate, historically an allegory of mischief, cunning, and slander, is meant as a stinging mockery of Antico’s rival, Ottaviano Petrucci, also a music printer in the Venetian sphere, however. Although Petrucci enjoyed exclusive rights to print keyboard music, which he never exploited, he had linked his name to the lute with his production of frottole intavolate for the instrument. In 1516 Petrucci lost his printing privileges on keyboard music, and this was the opportunity for Antico to publish the aforementioned “Frottole intabulate…,” as well as the first Italian printing of arrangements of inlaid frottole for fretted instruments. Aware of his advantage over Petrucci, Antico decided to mock him by portraying him as a monkey, thus wanting to ridicule his rival’s editorial choices.

Despite the attitude of mockery and superiority shown in the curious frontispiece, Antico actually drew heavily from Petrucci’s work, ‘copying’ it in form and content, including in his own books many of the ‘hits’ already published by Petrucci, and publishing, in turn, intabulations of frottole for voice and lute himself.

The musical offering is a selection of excerpts from the books of the two rival publishers, in what we can imagine as a musical war fought to the sound of the secular form most in use at the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries: the Frottola.


Causa maltempo il concerto di stasera 30/06 di Modo Antiquo sarà spostato nella bellissima Chiesa di San Sisto

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