Founded and directed by Enrico Onofri, Imaginarium Ensemble (Imaginarium: “the place of the images”) brings together a group of musicians who regularly perform with important early music ensembles. In 2006, Imaginarium Ensemble successfully released its first CD “La voce nel violino”, dedicated to the early Italian Baroque repertoire. In 2010 a new CD was released (Vivaldi, La Follia and violin sonatas), followed by “Devil’s Trill” (virtuosic violin sonatas by Tartini, Veracini, Mossi and Bonporti) and in 2013 the complete recording of Corelli’s Violin Sonatas Opus 5. In 2019 the album “Into Nature – Vivaldi’s Seasons & other sounds from Mother Earth”, has been awarded the prestigious Diapason d’or de l’année 2020, followed by “Seicento! – the virtuoso early Italian violin”, released in 2020, which received the Diapason d’or in January 2021. The latest CD “Telemann’s violin works without bass – The Sharp Band”, published in 2023, was received with enormous public and critical acclaim.